@database WB_BootPics95.guide @$VER: Workbench Boot Pictures '95 @node main "Workbench Boot Pics '95 - Contents" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @{b}@{fg highlight}Workbench Boot Pictures '95 for AmigaOS 3.1@{fg text}@{ub} @{b}"Which Boot picture do you want to see today?"@{ub} Copyright 1995 Adrian De Luca, ADL Developments. All Rights Reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Released: ????????? 1995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Workbench Boot Pictures for your Amiga" @{" Introduction " link Introduction} @{" Description " link Description} @{" Requirements " link Requirements} @{" Installation " link Installation} @{" Acknowledgments " link Acknowledgments} @{" Disclaimer " link Disclaimer} @{" Copyright " link Copyright} @{" Author " link Author} @endnode @node Introduction "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Introduction" Introduction ------------ This is actually the fourth series of Workbench Boot Pictures that I have released for the Amiga, and as you will see this series has a Windows '95 flavour to them! Workbench Boot Pictures are simply a collection of 256 colour IFF pictures for use with Joseph Lunks fabulous utility `BootScreen' and program alike (PicBoot), to display a nice start-up image while your Hard Disk is booting. `BootScreen' is a program which allows you to display an IFF picture while the hard drive is booting, much like the Microsoft Windows logo on the IBM's. I was influenced to draw these pictures after seeing the "rip-off" Microsoft Boot Pictures that were floating around and I thought the Amiga deserved it's own exclusive Boot Screens. So, I started work on some Boot Pictures that was exclusively "Amiga", and related more to the Amiga OS, with this collection including pictures for the latest Aniga Operating System, AmigaOS 3.1. These pictures were drawn by hand exclusively with Deluxe Paint V with colour touch ups and effects done with Art Department Professional 2.1.3. Although these pictures were designed in mind of OS 3.1 users, you may change the OS and Release numbers to suit your own system (Please read conditions in Copyright). Hope you enjoy them :-) @endnode @node Description "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Description" Description ----------- Bellow is a brief description of of the images included in this release of Workbench Boot Pictures Volume #3: WBBP95-Boot1.iff Clouds background with AmigaOS Logo WBBP95-Boot2.iff Clouds background with the Win95 Start Button WBBP95-Boot3.iff Clouds background with AmigaOS Logo & pointing arrows Total 3 pictures. @endnode @node Requirements "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Requirements" Requirements ------------ To use these pictures you will need: * Either A1500/A2000/A2500/A3000 (Fitted with AGA screenmode compliant graphic cards) A1200/A4000 * OS 2.0 or better * A Hard Disk * `BootScreen' Version 2.2+ by Joseph Luk. `BootScreen' is available on Aminet in the utils/boot directory. @endnode @node Installation "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Installation" Installation ------------ Firstly, if you have not done so already, you will need to install `BootScreen', follow the instructions accompanied with the program related the Install procedure. After extracting the WB_BootPics95.lha file (well you must of got this far if you are reading this guide!...), you will see a number of .IFF files, choose the pictures you want and copy them to your SYS:Prefs/Presets directory. You can do this from the CLI by typing; copy SYS:Prefs/Presets Or alternatively using a Disk Management Program Like Directory Opus. After copying these files, load the BootScreen Prefs program in the Prefs directory of your SYS: partition and choose the desired Boot Screen Picture. You can choose the 'Test' Gadget to preview the picture you want, then press 'Save' for BootScreen to save your options. And thats all there is to it! So next time you boot you machine, your desired boot picture will be displayed. @endnode @node Acknowledgments "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Acknowledgments" Acknowledgments --------------- I would like to thank Joseph Luk for producing a fabulous program andto all the authors of similar programs I would also like to thank all the Amiga users out there in their kind feedback and suggestions on my previous three distributions of Workbench Boot Pictures for the Amiga. I would also like to thank Urban Mueller at Aminet for making my pictures publically available on the bimonthly Aminet CD's. @endnode @node Disclaimer "Workbench Boot Pictures '95 - Disclaimer" Disclaimer ---------- Standard disclaimer: THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BELOW, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @endnode @node Copyright "Workbench Boot Pictures Volume '95 - Copyright" Copyright --------- Workbench Boot Pictures '95 is Copyright 1995 Adrian De Luca, ADL Developments. All Rights Reserved. These pictures are FREEWARE but..... This archive may only be distributed an in unmodified form. No files may be added, altered or removed. You may not charge for this archive, other than the cost of the media and duplication fees. Distribution is allowed in all forms, such as BBS systems, FTP sites, WWW sites, Floppy or Compact Disks. You have the authors permission to alter OS and Release numbers for personal use only, not for re-distribution. Any inclusion in a commercial or semi-commercial distribution package requires the written permission of the author. Inclusion for any Shareware distribution is granted without prior concent. @endnode @node Author "Workbench Boot Pictures Volume '95 - Author" Author ------ I encourage all users of my products to send me mail conveying any comments (good or bad), suggestions or queries in regards to Workbench Boot Pictures '95 or any other software releases. I can be contacted via any E-Mail at: @{b}s9407327@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au@{ub} Or visit my World Wide Web site at "The ADL Cyber Page" at the following URL: @{b}http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~s9407327/@{ub} "The ADL Cyber Page" is a great resource of all kinds of info including an unofficial Australian Amiga Web site, Windows '95, OS/2, Unix, reviews, pictures, TV Shows and much much more so stop by soon! @endnode